6th Stop on the Coffee Capital Tour!

My Kitty Café - Guelph, ON.


Happiness is a place and it’s right here in Guelph.

Welcome to My Kitty Café! Located in the heart of downtown on Wyndham street, this location is home to the first cat café in Ontario and arguably the most unique coffee shop in the city.

How it all started.

Owner Min Kim might just be the nicest and most humble person I had the opportunity to meet during my tour. Although he prefers to be out of the spotlight, his values and personality shine brightly throughout the café.

Min first opened up shop as a convenience store in 1990 and has been greeting regular customers for over 30 years.

In 2017, he was presented with the most difficult situation he’d encountered as a small-business owner, and one that he thought would result in him closing up shop for good.

After a connected space in the back of his shop became vacant, he was given an ultimatum: either pay substantially more in rent per month and use the large, extra space OR close his store and leave.

The news was devastating.

What happened next.

Understandably, Min said the situation resulted in many sleepless nights over the next few months. But, as he always does, he began to try and find a way for his business to survive.

He trialed several uses from the space and hosted art galleries, recording space for artists, you name it. But nothing seemed to work.

Min recounted the speed at which things took off. By nature of being a good person, he found something that seemed to work. With his newly renovated vacant space, he offered to take in several cats that needed rehoming.

From there, he says, the rest is history. With inspiration from the popular cat cafe’s in Japan and around the world, he found a solution that would be the most fulfilling project he’s undertaken. A solution that has ultimately helped his business overcome a level of adversity that would’ve sent most other small-businesses packing.

The first cat in need arrives & the rest is history.

Over 1200 Adoptions & Counting.

As you walk through the café and meet all of the furry temporary residents, you’ll notice thousands of names on several doorways and walls.

Those names represent each of the over 1200 cats that Min has housed and helped get adopted to their forever homes.

How it works.

From the outset, Min has ensured that all of the adoption fees go straight to the Purrfect Companions of Norfolk, (the organization / adoption agency he’s partnered with since this all started).https://www.purrfectcompanions.ca/

His shared space has several enclosures and cat-themed areas to ensure the safe integration of the residents. This also allows him and his staff to provide individual care and monitor certain cats as necessary.

If you’re in the area, make sure to book your visit at mykittycafe.com and grab a coffee at this amazing location!


7th Stop on the Coffee Capital Tour!


5th Stop on the Coffee Capital Tour!